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  • 1.  Master Services Agreements

    Posted 08-28-2020 13:14
    We recently received a Master Services Agreement (MSA) amendment that added a "line item 2" for a scope of work described as Dept Comp Tech for $150,000. When we asked the sponsor what this was, they told us it was an award to a new PI not originally named on the MSA. The modification also included additional funds of $200,000 for "line item 1". The PI's school wants a separate account. My questions are: (1) How do you handle MSAs on our campus. (2) How would you approach entering this modification in Cayuse Sponsored Projects (SP)?

    Kimberly Schulman
    Assistant Director
    New York University (NYU)

  • 2.  RE: Master Services Agreements

    Posted 09-10-2020 08:07
    Hi, Kim!

    My colleague @Heather Winters was the Director of Research at the University of Memphis and is *so* incredibly knowledgeable about all things MSA/contracts. Heather, any thoughts for Kim here?


    Stefanie Friesen

  • 3.  RE: Master Services Agreements

    Posted 09-10-2020 14:43
    Hi Kimberly,
    Great questions!

    There are a few ways this could be set up in SP depending on your configurations.  I would recommend creating a new proposal record linked to the Project also creating a new award linked to that new proposal.  Both roll up to the Project.  You can add the new PI as a Co-PI to the project record if that helps.

    At UofM we had this happen on a few projects and through trial and error would typically set up as described above and gave it it's own fund number.

    I'm happy to set up a call to discuss further if you need. Just let me know.

    Heather Winters

  • 4.  RE: Master Services Agreements

    Posted 09-15-2020 10:38
    Thanks, Heather.

    Due to our SP set up, and because we have an integration with our financial system, we need to have a proposal linked to an award. Because these PIs are in different units, which means they cannot have joint access to records -- different Award Admin Units -- after much discussion, we established a second Cayuse SP project.

    I have a feeling that each MSA will provide an opportunity to revisit the approach.


    Kimberly Schulman
    Assistant Director
    New York University (NYU)