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  • 1.  Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 07-14-2023 11:38
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    I am running into a problem when the Analyst and the Reviewer are the same person. What is happening is that once the Analyst is assigned as the Reviewer they lose the Analyst routing options (Image 1 for Analyst Options, Image 2 for Reviewer Options). This means that they can no longer change the review type to full board or the reviewer. Am I missing an option? Or is the only solution to change the Analyst to another office member so that they can then change the review type or reviewer? It is common for us for the Analyst and Reviewer to be the same person so this is a bit of an issue, as sometimes upon a deeper reviewer it may be determined that the study is not expedited and needs to go full board. 

    I have tried changing the Role in the top bar of the platform but that does not correct the issue. 



  • 2.  RE: Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    Posted 07-17-2023 06:28

    We've run into this also. We have a pretty involved pre-review process, so I think that cuts down on how often it becomes an issue (because we complete a review of the study as "analyst" before assigning ourselves as reviewer).


    The only work around we have found is what you also mentioned.



    Jennifer Boe, MA (she/her)

    Sr. IRB Analyst

    Human Research Protections Office (HRPO)

    Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute


    Have questions for the HRPO? Join the HRPO Virtual Office Time from 10:30-11:00 AM on the first & third Wednesday of every month!


    Provide feedback or comments for HRPO/IRB here!


  • 3.  RE: Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    Posted 07-18-2023 03:24
    Same here! We have to assign back to analyst to accomplish what you have stated. 

    Kris Monahan
    Sent via mobile device

  • 4.  RE: Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    Posted 07-17-2023 07:11

    Hi, what my institution has done in this case is, we assign the Analyst as the reviewer, but not under the IRB Member role. We assign ourselves as an Analyst reviewer and it doesn't stop us from changing review types if needed. This helps because if a response prompts us to have to change the review category, we can always reassign the reviewer to a faculty member as the reviewer. 

    Alicia Scott
    IRB Director
    The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

  • 5.  RE: Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    Posted 07-17-2023 07:56

    We also have our reviewer as the Analyst as well. I conduct my pre-review as the Analyst and then switch to the other Analyst.  She will review it to decide the Review Type and then assign herself as the Primary Reviewer or assign it to another Board Member to review.  Does this help?

    Leigh Schectman
    IRB Coordinator
    California Lutheran University

  • 6.  RE: Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    Posted 07-17-2023 09:56
    Edited by Jenn Dier 07-18-2023 10:44

    I believe (could be wrong) that once the Reviewer makes a Decision the Analyst then regains the ability to perform the remainder of the functions you are taking about (at the least to make changes to review type/write letters). You could test it out in UAT. 

    Edited 7/18/23 to add:

    We also use the pathway that Alicia Scott describes.

    Jennifer Dier
    Assistant Director, Office of Research Compliance Administration
    University of California, Santa Cruz

  • 7.  RE: Analyst and Reviewer Shared Role Problems

    Posted 07-18-2023 06:41

    To address this issue, we follow the process that Jenn Dier notes:  The Reviewer makes a decision; reassigns themself as the Analyst; and, once it's under Post Review, they're able to re-assign the reviewer/review type.

    We use the Not Exempt/Not Expedited/Not Limited IRB decisions and ask the Reviewer to describe the reason for the change in the Internal Note. (We use these decisions even if the reason for the change is just to change the reviewer and the review type will stay the same. Unfortunately, these decisions are the only ones that offer the functionality that we need).  As long as they select Re-Assign once it's under Post Review, the decision -- including the justification for changing the review type/reviewer -- is saved. The submission is then routed back to Pre Review and the review type/reviewer can be re-assigned. 

    If you don't need to save the reason for changing the reviewer/review type then you can choose any decisions and just click Change - Reviewer/Review Type once it's under Post Review. But, I'd still advise using the Not Exempt/Not Expedited/Not Limited IRB decisions as these make it impossible to accidentally complete the post review and send a letter to the PI. 

    For exempt studies, we prefer this option, rather than assigning the Reviewer as an Analyst (versus Member), so the Reviewer's comments can remain anonymous -- we prefer to avoid having PIs call out our staff by name when they're upset with a reviewer's comments. If an Analyst is designated as performing the review then I'm pretty sure that they're name is visible to PIs on the comments. 

    Scott Fisher \
    Director, Human Research Protection Program
    New York University (NYU)