Currently, sub awards seem to be highly overlooked in the routing and certification process. It seems dis-jointed in the current ...
Hi Leigh, We also do a yearly admin check in to check the status of exempt studies. I agree it would be great to be able to ...
Hi Jacqui! We set SP 4.0 up so that Sponsored Programs is the first stop when internal routing is initiated. This gives ...
Are any institutions using SP 4.0 to track research activity in Bond Financed Buildings? We are looking at doing so and would ...
We would like to let Principal Investigators edit proposals in 4.0 but make it so they can not start the routing process themselves. ...
Hi Leigh, Since it's Exempt, I don't bother with admin check-ins at all, and it does not bother me in the least that the study ...
Hello Leah, We require our PIs to submit the renewal application for exempt studies. It's a short, one section form that really ...
Hi Leigh, We also utilize an admin check-in date, which is usually tied to when their CITI expires. It's a prompt to renew ...
Hi Leigh, We actually don't bother with an Admin check-in date. But we might periodically (every few years) send a reminder ...
We are looking to integrate our USDA-covered species into Cayuse and would greatly appreciate any guidance on effective management ...
Cayuse invites you to take a closer look at Sponsored Projects in our upcoming Spotlight Series webinar, where we’ll demonstrate the state of the solution including:
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